The Definitive Guide to Lighting in the HDRP - e-book, available now for free (Unity 2020 LTS ed.)


If you are new to HDRP or are interested in understanding how physically-based lighting works, we created a free e-book of more than 100 pages in partnership with Unity’s technical artists and working closely with the HDRP team.

The e-book covers features up until Unity 2020 LTS. If you have questions or suggestions about the e-book content, please use this thread, and we will try to help and consider the feedback for the next version of the e-book (for Unity 2021 LTS).

>> Download <<

Some topics covered:

  • HDRP concepts, settings, cameras, and Volumes frameworks
  • Exposure, modes, physical camera settings, and formulas
  • Lights units, types, properties, and IES Profiles
  • How to create natural-looking skyscapes by delving into the Physically Based Sky System
  • How to fine-tune and modify your shadows, reflections, and real-time lighting effects to add even more depth to your scenes
  • How to use the Rendering Debugger
  • How to use ray tracing and post-processing

Visit our website to discover more e-books and other learning content.


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Out of this and two of Pierre’s breakdown videos.
I share them everywhere I can.

3 of the best contents that you can just enjoy, check back with and fill some gaps with to help lead your insights further.

I’ve actually thoroughly been enjoying many of the Ebooks just to make a contact point with my own learning experiences.

Many of them have been surface level entries into concepts or service funnels.
But this has a very good entry to a vast amount of information and skill sets for anybody.

I’ve heard many yearn for information on specific workflows in and out of unity to help build their pipelines.
We plan on creating courses to accompany this as well.
These sorts of eBooks have amazing supplemental value to help others find themselves in the unity development framework.

Keep up the great work. :slight_smile:


thanks for the nice feedback @HIBIKI_entertainment and @seok-in-yoon we will keep posting about those ebooks in the forum in the relevant threads

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Won’t let me download

An error occurred while processing your request.

Reference #30.6e61f648.1642454830.45e6e7da

Download link broken for me too

We are looking into that, in the meantime, you can use this URL, no need to fill the form, there’s a download button at the end >> alternative url <<

You’re most welcome.
That’s a wonderful idea moving forward. Looking forward to seeing more as time passes.

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Why is Unity asking us to fill in personal details for documentation?
Why is it required to share our information provided for marketing?
Why is the link not working?
Why is the alternative link that supposed to not ask for details ask details?

Why is this basic documentation turned into a pdf, (there is a documentation webpage for all versions of HDRP)
and turned into data collecting opportunity of your own clients
and download still not work?

And why are you saying that it is a free e-book…free? like it was not meant to be free…but by Unity’s grace, the documentation is provided free…it is a bloody documentation…

This is what you said…
If you are new to HDRP or are interested in understanding how physically-based lighting works, we created a free e-book of more than 100 pages in partnership with Unity’s technical artists and working closely with the HDRP team

which in plain no marketing language,
Unity’s technical artists and the HDRP team worked on a pdf for explaining HDRP’s physically based lighting. It is 100 pages and this is meant to help new comers.

Just have the pdf downloadable as a simple download link.

And leave documentation out of marketing. I can take some marketing dance of Unity to some degree, but this is slowly starting to cross the line.

Don’t let marketing touch technical stuff…like basic documentation.

This is not cool. In case someone in Unity thinks they can start doing this…
You guys just tainted the team’s effort that spent hours making this pdf that is supposed to help new comers.

Please stop.


Hey @jjejj87 , the original URL is back online. The alternative URL that I provided was used as part of a previous ad campaign and I when I tested the download button before sharing it here, it worked without the need to fill in information. It seems like the page’s behaviour changed in the meantime. That was not intentional so apologies for that. You can use the original URL to download the guide without any further requirements:

>> Download <<

Documentation is and remains the source of truth in terms of how things work. Our intention with this guide is to help those tech artists who are discovering HDRP for the first time or those wanting to read about advanced lighting techniques, so it’s additional material (that also links to the documentation and other resources to make sure people can find that information).

this is why i love unity

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Hi, thx for this in-depth book on HDRP, I saw the latest update and they are great.

If I may request a future resource book on HDRP, I would really love Unity team to do a walkthrough on HDRP frame rendering like this talk from Unite Seoul 2019. It didn’t manage to cover everything, but it is what got us started to hacking features in HDRP. A lot of things have changed since then, it would be great if this talk can be renewed in some ways.

hey @bitinn this is a great idea, I wasn’t personally aware of this presentation but the topic is very interesting and worth considering for a standalone ebook and/or video. We will evaluate this perhaps using Unity 22.x focusing on 22 LTS. Thanks for sharing this!


Just to make sure nobody misses it, we have created a Unity 21 LTS version of this book, you can get it from this thread

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Great resource, thanks. I have two people to train in HDRP and this is invaluable.