I try to make a music/sound viusalizer for that I am using CsCore. In the engine the programm runs fine without any errors or warnings. But the standalone version crashes immediately after I started the programm. I tryed to rebuild it with other settings but every time it crashes. The last time he showed me a error message: WindowsPlayer(DESKTOP-2BUK1PK) An abnormal situation has occurred: the PlayerLoop internal function has been called recursively. Please contact Customer Support with a sample project so that we can reproduce the problem and troubleshoot it.
I tested a little bit with the programm. When you moving the window it won’t crash. But it isn’t loading the scene I only have a grey background. So my first thought was that the error must be by loading the scene. I created a empty scene and started the programm without any problems. After this I rebuilt the first scene and the error was back.