The Fall -- Super Metroid meets Monkey Island with an Asimov-inspired sci-fi story.

Hey all,

I’ve been had at work over the past half year on my new game, The Fall. it’s developed in Unity, so far by myself and… myself. I’m announcing it today along with my Kickstarter campaign, here. Take a look and consider backing!

Here’s the KS Video:


All questions or feedback is welcome. I’m happy to discuss my plans or process, if they can help. If you dig the project, consider sharing it around or backing! Every little bit helps :slight_smile:

Excited to hear what you think,

This looks pretty awesome! Really cool vibe you have going…

Thanks! I’m pretty much borrowing style points from Limbo and trying to add my own little touch. Those guys really kicked ass.

Looks really nice mate good luck with the campaign. How are you planning to handle the episodes, a new application for each or will they be patched into the current one?

Most interesting looking game I’ve seen in a while. And congratulations, looks like you are doing very well with your kickstarter :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

I’m still weighing options for how to handle the episodes. Patches are attractive to me at this point but I’m still gathering data.

Looks great! combines all the great games

Really well done video.

You worked at Relic? Consider me jelly.

Thanks guys! Yeah, I was really lucky to have worked at Relic. So many talented people! I still have the friendships to this day.

Looks more like Flashback meets Limbo - which excites me more (even though I like those other two games).

heh, cheers. I never actually played Flashblack. I know that makes me detestable, but it’s true.

Yes, it certainly has a Flasback/Another World (aka Out of this World or something) feel. Have you played Another World? If not, take the HD remake/re-release demo a spin, you can download it here:

I love both Flashback and Another World, will keep tabs on this project. It seems very interesting.