Hey guys.
First post on here. Long-time C# scripter and year-long indie Unity dev (I mainly script for other person’s projects, freelance).
This may seem like a poor way to start off my presence in the forums - but this discussion is precisely the reason I’m here within the forums at this moment.
I’ve had a few issues with the general atmosphere I see here that I don’t see in any other collaborative/Q&A format that StackOverflow, ITFreaks, and a few other websites have had:
And that is, simply, a lack of collaborative correction or any informative input from older users to newer users.
More often than not I’ve popped in a problem I’ve had with Unity-specific scripting to try to save time, and more often than not I’ve found the majority of the answers are “watch the tutorials” or the more Socratic method of pointing out the error and then suggesting that they look further into the manual or manuscripts.
I’m all for telling new people to review tutorials and other info;
When someone has clearly posted a long piece of code that they are having an issue with, I believe more than half the thread needs to be referencing some tutorial or some inquisitive question encouraging them to find the issue themselves - rather than a quick reminder or other quick-fixes that they were asking about, along with a one-to-two line explanation of where they went wrong.
UNITY is an engine with complexities that may even phase the tutorial guys, or with terminology that may make someone jumping in from a decent knowledge of working with C# may not understand the difference (despite tutorials and the infinite manual pages).
What was I hoping to achieve with this? I don’t know - maybe to subject the userbase here to what persons outside encounter when they, too, are looking for an answer. With or without any previous posting history, I shouldn’t feel more comfortable or insightful asking a question on StackOverflow regarding UNITY than the actual forums full of devs, coders, and armchair enthusiasts alike with decades of engine experience between them.