The game crashes on startup for some users (Steam + Windows)

We recently launched the game on Steam and started receiving crashes. For ~2% of players, the game does not even start, it immediately crashes. I collected dmp files from two people, I hope someone can tell what could be the problem.

8841658–1204738– (169 KB)

Both of the dumps point to a stack overflow in your C# code. I cannot tell you which C# code triggers it without GameAssembly.dll and “BackUpWithFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame” contents, though (don’t post them publicly, if you want, you can send them to me via a PM).

Sent files to you. Thanks for responding


You’re running into this: Unity Issue Tracker - [OpenXR] [HL2] HoloLens feature group introduces crash when hands detected. We originally believed that the bug only affected HoloLens but the dump you sent me proves that it can also affect regular Windows builds. We have a fix that’s scheduled to go out with Input System Package 1.5.1. If you don’t want to wait, you can downgrade back to Input System Package 1.4.4.

Btw, it’s always worth backing up the folders I mentioned :). Debugging crash dumps is pretty much impossible without them (and recreating them will not work most of the time).

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Thank you! We’ll try to return to version 1.4.4 and I will write if it worked (or not)

It worked, thanks!

How do you revert back to the old Input System Package?

As an end user is there anything that can be done to bypass the bug (disabling a device/change a setting/replace a file//etc)? Or is our only option to wait for the developers to compile a version with either 1.4.4 or 1.5.1 (when it releases)?

Edit the project manifest with a text editor to point to an older input system package version.

I’d try disconnecting all USB devices from your computer and cross the fingers that it’s not your keyboard/mouse that causes the issue.