The GI lighting is brighter if a Camera rendered in a previous scene.

In my game, only in a build, if I load a scene with realtime GI and a previous scene had an enabled Camera, it will break my GI. If I load a scene with GI before any Camera rendered anything, it works as expected. I saw another thread about the GI breaking if it is baking continuously, but we bake the scene manually.

So, for example, in this build, I load the scene 1 with GI from an scene empty scene 0 (apart from a loading script). The first time around, everything is ok, and it looks like this:

Then, I reload the scene 0, which reloads the scene 1, and it ends up looking like this:

If I put a camera in the scene 0, the lighting is broken from the start. I tried different things, like discarding the active RenderTexture contents before loading, but it didn’t change anything. I filed a bug some time ago (case 739656), but received no update since then.

Did anybody come across a bug like this? This is a gamebreaker for us, and we would really like to at least get an hackish workaround.

Bump. Same problem v.5.2.2.

Please fix it!

Bug report please CosmosBear :slight_smile: all helps to get Unity more info so they notice/fix it.

I have same problem I’m pro user and bug is still opened from 14.10.2015 bug 736233. See here:

Little loosing my hope. So game breaking bug without solution for so long. I hope that it will be fixed soon. I have tried to simulate in on 5.3 betas and it was still there. Now I cannot test it with beta 5 6 because at start baking of lighting was crashing. And now building of game is crashing. (bug 743523)

I can confirm that this issue persists in 5.3.0f . Any scene with a camera in it loaded before the scene containing GI will break GI

A new bug has been submitted since the last one was marked as fixed even if it’s not as of 5.3.0f4. The new one has a better example project. It’s the case #752870.

It’s now flagged as not reproducible, but it still happens 100% of the time, no matter the computer, or if it’s in our game project or in a new project created from scratch. This is really becoming anoying, Unity seems to get rid of our bug reports even if the issue is not fixed and happens to many people. Guess we’ll have to file a new bug.

This can be fixed by setting the bounce of every light to half of its value in the editor. I guess this is what is happening in the background in a build, the bounce gets multiplied by 2 for some reason. At least now I know.

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