I made a Google Cardboard app in Unity as part of a University Project, which I am trying to display on both my phone screen and a TV screen simultaneously. I am using a Slimport connector on an LG G3 to stream via HDMI.
There are 2 problems.
Firstly for some reason as soon as I connect the visual is correctly displayed on the TV but vanishes from the phone screen replaced with just grey. In addition the cardboard UI (back button, settings, middle line) continues to show correctly on the phone but doesn’t show on the TV at all.
Secondly, although it still registers the sensor input from the phone and turns the camera accordingly, it is skewed by 90 degrees, the phone has to be held portrait to get the ‘correct’ angle.
There are Cardboard apps made in Unity, for Android, which display on both my phone and my TV without either of these issues i.e. End Space VR, which does this perfectly.
It’s clearly possible to achieve but I have spent hours trying to isolate the problem and I can’t find any information on it at all, all I’ve managed to work out is that the problem lies with the way the Cardboard SDK allocates cameras to displays (I think…).
This is way beyond my scripting knowledge, does anyone have any idea how to deal with this?
Many thanks,