The ground is at too high in game view

Everything looks fine in the scene view but in game view, the ground goes up for some weird reasons.

Hi @deadlypunch0

It looks like this is happening because of your camera frustum is not big enough.

Try to set the value of the far plane of the camera higher.

You can check more information about it here: Unity - Manual: Camera component

Good luck with it!

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I noticed that i added navigation thing in them and it caused them to look like that and it got fixed after i removed them, why did it do that?

If your problem was solved by setting a higher value on the far plane of your camera, then the fact that your issue appeared after adding your navigation system is more likely because such a system is changing your camera’s pitch.

Probably the “floating ground” that you saw before is a part of a mountain that still inside of your camera’s frustum, but the base of the mountain is probably off the frustum and that’s why is culled and not rendered.