Playable stuff on the blogg.
Playable Demo
Alpha Render
Head look test
Destructable environment
See you around
Playable stuff on the blogg.
Playable Demo
Alpha Render
Head look test
Destructable environment
See you around
Wow thats awesome! I love the controls. Add some stuff to shoot
I like very much, good work.
Very nice style mate, I like the controls except for the fact that I can’t look up when not in aim mode… Sweet animation and great sound (love when the casings bounce off the floor)
Real time radiosity?
What do you mean by radiosity?
If that means the “godrays”, then no they are fake.
If thats the same as the bloom effect or glow effect then, yes. I guess, (Unity Pro feature glow).
haha, I am kind of new to this 3d engine technical stuff so you have to excuse me.
This looks really cool! I like the character and the feel of the guns. This has the potential to become a great game. Keep it up!
wow… thats really nice… like the animations, thats cool stuff
but also found some small issues:
but beside that, I really like it
Radiosity is a way to render volumetric light. I guess godlike means the ambient occlusion effect you used for the character and the lightmaps.
I’m no graphics wizard, but I google for a living.
Just to clarify a few things.
Godrays, also known as light rays, light shafts or crepuscular rays is the effect you’ve faked coming from the windows. Here you can read about it: Crepuscular rays - Wikipedia Crysis has a nice implementation of them.
Ambient occlusion is a way of creating contact shadows between objects. Ambient occlusion - Wikipedia
Radiosity is a global illumination algorithm. Radiosity (computer graphics) - Wikipedia
I’m guessing GODLIKE asked if it was real time radiosity because he mistook ambient occlusion and radiosity. If I’m not mistaken real time ambient occlusion was added to Unity Pro in 2.6 and you’re using it for this game?
As for the game itself I love it. It feels very solid. I just want to ask why you made AD turn the character instead of strafe? It feels very odd to me because almost every other game does it differently.
First of all thanks again for your kind words. And thank you TwiiK for the clarification. The Ambient Occlusion I am using for the level is a light map. And the AO for the feets contact to the floor is a trick, using projectors following the feet’s. No realtime AO.
Strafing will be implemented somehow. =) I will stick with the turning torso thing though, it will in coming builds have more than aim function to it. Foremost how you can control your character in high speeds. It will be refined several times over. =)
My take on this third and first person control scheme is that some one got this wrong in the beginning and ever since, everyone else just followed. I am certain there is a new and more intuitive way to control a character than strafe and turn. This might not be it but I will give it a try. Thanks again for your input. =) I really appreciate it
I really like the new control-approach with the mouse turning the torso. Maybe you can implement a key, that alligns the lower body with the view direction, so you can still use A and D for strafing.
I wrote about radiosity because if you aim at a wall near a corner there is reflection on other walls.
I’d have to agree with Twiik, the turning rather than strafing is wicked awkward. Other than that I think what you’ve got so far is great!
In my experience with third person shooters, having them rotate with A/D is fine so long as their weapon is not drawn, but once the weapon is drawn, they usually go into an aim mode where A/D stop rotating the character and start strafing. I’m pretty sure this is the case in GTA4, Just Cause 2, Resident Evil 4, Red Faction: Guerilla, and the Uncharted Series.
Most, if not all, third person shooters in which the characters gun is always out (and therefore the character is always ready to aim), maintain the a/d strafing. This would be your Gears of War, Max Payne, Ghost Recon: AWF, Lost Planet, etc. They are essentially first person shooters, with a character model in the way.
nice work matey. Are you planning on purchasing the pro version ? If not you should work on the demo because it’ll be heart taking to take way those shadow effects (My experience). Anyway you should switch from getaxis to getaxisraw function. that way your caracter won’t slide anymore .
really nice work
Seems good. The controls are a bit strange.
I would rather have starfing than turning. The second strange thing is when you look up (pitch) the camera does not change.
It only changes if you are in aim mode (right click).
Maybe use Q and E for strafing. If so I would make it so when strafing you would only be able to move forward and backwards VERY slowly. Also maybe use standard controls when in aiming mode.
This is so awesome!
Gameplay is fantastic. I love the controls and slow motion feature with aim feature combined gives such a realistic combat experience! Keep it up. Can’t wait for further updates/releases.