The image effect (X) has been disabled as it's not supported in the current platform

Hey all I’ve about searched everywhere for some help and have found nothing. I only get this error after I build. I have two instances of my project right now, pre-build and after. The image effects on my pre-build project work just fine. But once I hit build, the image effects stop working as according to Unity SystemInfo.Supports3DTextures is somehow switched to false on build. Any idea on what is going on? First time posting hope I’m putting this on the right place.

Here is the entire warning message

The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.ColorCorrectionLookup) has been disabled as it’s not supported on the current platform.
UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.PostEffectsBase:ReportAutoDisable() (at Assets/Standard Assets/Effects/ImageEffects/Scripts/PostEffectsBase.cs:138)
UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.ColorCorrectionLookup:CheckResources() (at Assets/Standard Assets/Effects/ImageEffects/Scripts/ColorCorrectionLookup.cs:23)
UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.ColorCorrectionLookup:OnRenderImage(RenderTexture, RenderTexture) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Effects/ImageEffects/Scripts/ColorCorrectionLookup.cs:111)

maybe the attached image will help also?

I’ll rephrase my question since I’ve done a bit more digging into the issue now.

Why would SystemInfo.Supports3DTextures be set to FALSE?

Again, this only happens once I hit build. Before building supports3DTextures yields TRUE. I’m building on a brand new MacBook Pro for iOS platform.

Well, I’m not an expert. But I thought that 3D textures were supported only in OpenGL ES 3.0, which was only available in IOS7 and above, and your build target is set to IOS 6.

Thanks for the reply Jaimi but even after setting target os to 9.0 I’m still running into the same error

So after a few days of ignoring this one just for the sake of not hitting a wall I tried replicating the error on my macbook air and Unity completely crashes when I hit build. It will build as a mac game but when I chose iOS it crashes automatically. Can anyone point me on the right direction? Should I start to contact unity?

And by replicating error I mean starting a new project > Importing the effects package > adding the Color Correction Lookup effect to main camera > loading a LUT > Build for iOS 9.0

Have you looked in the shader code, and see if it specifically targets a Shader level that isn’t supported on IOS?

I’m reaching here - not really sure what is happening.

I’m not super savvy when it comes to shaders but they are the default ones that come with unity’s effect package and I have not modified them in any way. Browsing thru the 3DLut Shader it says #pragma target 3.0(should be ok for iOS right?)

and also because it’s not very obvious to me. There’s no reason that image effects won’t work because I’m using the personal version of unity correct?

Looking in the manual, it says that ColorCorrectionLookup only works on PC & Consoles.


Hardware Support
This effect requires a graphics card with pixel shaders (3.0). PC: NVIDIA cards since 2004 (GeForce 6), AMD cards since 2005 (Radeon X1300), Intel cards since 2006 (GMA X3000); Consoles: Xbox 360, PS3.
All image effects automatically disable themselves when they can not run on end-users graphics card.

There are a couple other color correction effects that you might try - Color Correction Ramp (supports all), Color Correction Curves (works if you have depth texture support), and you might look at ToneMapping also. These kind of things will be really expensive on mobile, though.

Thanks a million Jaimi. I’m Sure I looked thru that page a few times and I must have ignored that because it had worked just fine on an earlier build. But now that you mention it, I might have been experimenting with Color correction ramp/curve and not LUTs at first.