The issue of Configurable Joint and Character Joint

I’m using a joint.
Only Angular Motion is set to Free for the two rigid bodies and Locked for Motion(x,y,z).
My main body moves very fast.
There seems to be no other problem when moving slowly, but when moving at a very high speed, the position of the bound object is severely deviating from the initial position.
We tried to modify various parameters, but we are not getting satisfactory results.
I tried both Configurable Joint and Character Joint.
Can’t Your unity’s joint solve this problem?

If you think that you can create character with rigidbodies connected with joints and move it by adding forces to root rgidbody than I have to disappoint you. The only working solution that I have found so far is to add forces to all the rigidbodies at the same time.

The parent object is the hand and the child object is the sword.
Because the character is an robot drone style one, he flies very fast with a sword.
What do you think is the right solution for this case?
Joints are essential for sword physics.

Show me the picture. How many joints does your arm have, what is the ratio of mass sword to arm.