Look like this:
[68623-eum-0acppc3uc06uu8fk.png [3]: [Unity] Procedural Cave Generation (E01. Cellular Automata) - YouTube]
If I move the camera,some gaps will disappear and others will appear.
I’m trying to generate a random map, the random mechanism:
1, a random two-dimensional map data
2, according to the map data to judge different states and number them,
Just like :
3, record different number of triangles
4, depending on the number of triangular grid filled with different material
Here is the tutorial site.
[link text][3]
And then the gaps appear when the adjacent two grids have different materials.
How can i fix the bug?
Well your UV coordinates are clearly off by one pixel. This happens when you don’t target the pixel center but the pixel border. Also if you don’t use point filtering for your images you should always add some padding pixels around the image rect, otherwise the neighbor pixel colors will bleed into your image.