The name `Dynamics' does not exist in the current context

Hello everyone. I’m following a tutorial and I’m getting this error. The code is simply

public class Detonator : DamageReceiver
	public float m_MinRadius = 4.0F;
	public float m_MaxRadius = 4.0F;
	///@todo: How do we constrain min radius to always be smaller than max radius.
	/// But with a good interface (The value the user edits should stay the other should be clamped!)
	public float m_Damage = 10F;
//	public LayerMask m_DetonateAgainst = -1;
	public float m_DetonationDelay = 0F;
	public GameObject explosion;
	public GameObject wreck;
	bool m_IsDetonated = false;
	public virtual void Detonate ()
		// Only detonate once!
		if (m_IsDetonated)
		m_IsDetonated = true;
		Invoke ("DetonateImplementation", m_DetonationDelay);
	void DetonateImplementation ()
		// Instantiate wreck and explosion if availible
		if (explosion != null)
			InstantiateWithMovement (explosion);
		if (wreck != null)	
			InstantiateWithMovement (wreck);
		// Destroy the object itself
		DestroyObject (gameObject);

		// Apply damage to surrounding objects!
		DamageReceiver wreckReceiver = null;
		if (wreck != null)
			wreckReceiver = wreck.GetComponent (typeof (DamageReceiver)) as DamageReceiver;
		ApplyDetonationDamage (wreckReceiver);

	// Instantiates the game object with the position and velocity of this game object!
	void InstantiateWithMovement (GameObject go)
		go = (GameObject)Instantiate (go, transform.position, transform.rotation);
		if (go.rigidbody != null && rigidbody != null)
			go.rigidbody.velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
			go.rigidbody.angularVelocity = rigidbody.angularVelocity;
	void ApplyDetonationDamage (DamageReceiver exclude)
		DamageMessage damage = new DamageMessage (DamageMessage.DamageType.kExplosionSplashDamage, m_Damage, transform.position, m_MinRadius, m_MaxRadius);

		**Collider[] collisions = Dynamics.OverlapSphere (transform.position, m_MaxRadius); // This seems to be the problem **
		foreach (Collider collider in collisions)
			DamageReceiver receiver = collider.GetComponent (typeof (DamageReceiver)) as DamageReceiver;
			if (receiver != null && receiver != this && receiver != exclude)
				receiver.ApplyDamage (damage);

What’s causing this?

Try Physics.OverlapSphere