The next Zombie craze

Hey I just wanted to see what everyone is thinking is going to be the next big craze, it’s been zombies for awhile but all things must come to an end. So what do you all hope it will be, I think Dinosaurs will make a big return in the coming weeks/months/years.

sure wouldnt mind some dinos for a damn change…

Its a well established fact that it goes

Pirates - Robots - Ninjas - Zombies

Dinosaurs don’t even get a look in, so I guess its back to Pirates again


There sure must be a place for the all present aliens.

really dont know what makes the zombie so popular, its one of the most boring enemy u can face when it comes to what they can actually do. atleast the standard slow walker.

the ones that run and jump and do crazy stunts arent zombies. they are ninjas dressed as zombies.

Primal Carnage is a decent dino game, i like it, but dino’s are probably hard to push through unless someone uses them very well. Im waiting for a few dinogames i know is coming.

would be nice to see a breakoff form these damn zombies soon, after Left 4 Dead it has been crazy.

Dinosaurs would be cool - Mammoths would be better :wink:

I think it’s probably going to evolve into cybernetically enhanced zombies that sail the seven seas as ninja pirates. World war Z is still milking some of that fine green stuff for a while.

Not sure I like the idea of dinosaurs, I’ve worked on way too many dinosaur projects recently including 2 games, 3 TV shows, 2 museum projects and a personal fun project, feeding my son to a trex;

Then again, I still enjoy making dinosaurs, so I guess I’m OK with it, but it would be nice to see something different.

Zombie dinosaurs would be cool.


I thought dinosaurs evolved into birds and hence Angry Birds but there seems to be no traction for birds.

Zombies will last for a while, they are the horde the mob, an infection/curse/act of god that robs us of our intellect,humanity and destroys us then leaves a thing that doesn’t sleep is hard to ‘kill’ and just wants to kill, destroy and is relentless.

They encapsulate a lot of fears, angry mobs, viruses, infections, death, decay, cannibalism, loss of humanity, loss of self.

They are also great for games as they require very little in the way of AI!

No cause angry birds are the Devil! The Devil I tell ya!

Damn things never do what i want anyway so hate that game lol

I’m going to have to finally try Angry Birds…


My friend is making a game and this is one of there enemies:

Dino Zombie

Dino Zombie 2

Now that is AWESOME! Lol

I posted this on another topic but i think a game like world of tanks but with dinosaurs would be awesome, called world of dinowars. Basically think world of tanks but like this.

I don’t know… the “zombie craze” right now is also saturated with “robot craze” and “fantasy craze” and a range of others :stuck_out_tongue: Pirates and ninjas seem to be underplayed atm (and dinos are lameee :P).

Pirates just had years of the Caribbean…and ninjas have naruto / anime.

So… yea, it seems everything is covered. We don’t really have any “sweeping craze” atm (just different categories constantly being milked by various titles).

Is it really milking the genre if 99.9% of all the games never see the light of day or get past a very BASIC WIP?

I don’t think people are against zombie games, they just go, “Oh here we go, another zombie game that is going to crash and burn”.
I’m strongly supportive of Zombie games that actually make it somewhere and have some structure behind the development.

Seems to me that the zombie craze has been going strong for some fifty odd years so I don’t think there is any danger of it going away any time soon.