The Nixon News Network - something different!

Welcome to the Nixon News Network! An attempt to create something different and engaging. Run a News Station, create a budget by taking on tasks then watch as the News Broadcast goes live, with randomly-generated news items, features, phone-ins and even weather reports read out by a cast of cartoon newscasters from within their virtual studio. It’s very oddball, a little experimental but good clean fun, please help the crowd funding and spread the word!

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Example news item.

Nice to see something different for a change! I’ll be eager to try out my hand at running a news company! :smile:

Really nice, but the text is at some places not readable, so if you could fix that it would be awsome!


Thanks, text alignment noted!

What’s the moral of your game? Why did you go with the Nixon News Network? Are you planning on creating politically commentary? If yes or no, why use Nixon in the name?

Just an idea really…a character I created while working in 3D long ago looked a little like him, so I kept the design. The show needed some kind of figurehead, though really the character is more in line with a Murdoch type. The game itself is all about fun and nonsensical news but there is cynical edge to it in how the player goes about gathering enough news to feed a station, when up against hundreds of rivals all vying for the same audience, so there’s a bit of social commentary going on in there in a light-hearted parody kind of way.

Make sure you to take into account how some networks report on a story long after it has been settled and is dead. Maybe ratings based on current events and focusing on ambulance chasing to meet the expectations of the news audience. “If it bleeds it leads!”
This could really be a sim type game with all the variables involved, a tint of reality mixed in for a true sense of that sheltered news environment.

Edit - :wink:

You should probably take into account that Richard Nixon wasn’t too fond of the news media at all, among a lot of things.