The non-generic method 'AssetReference.Instantiate" error

I was watching this video:

And thought it would be simple to follow. When I get to

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement;

public class GameManager1 : MonoBehaviour
//public GameObject chapterPrefab;
public AssetReference chapterPrefab;

void Start()


I get an error: Assets\Scripts\GameManager1.cs(28,23): error CS0308: The non-generic method 'AssetReference.Instantiate(Vector3, Quaternion, Transform)' cannot be used with type arguments

Why is this happening? All I am trying to do is build out some content in a scene with the Vuforia SDK and Image targets, nest each collection of image targets and AR content in a prefab, make it addressable, label the addressable "AR Pages", have the "chapterPrefab" AssetReference load all the addressable prefabs with that label into the scene and play the content on the respective Image Target when it is recognized.

I know this isn't the Vuforia forum, but I had to put my request in context.

We’ll flag this for the team to take a look at. Which version of the package and editor are you using?

The non-async methods are deprecated. You should instead use InstantiateAsync<GameObject>.

I am using Addressables version 1.1.10 and Unity 2019.3.4f1

Like @ProtoTerminator said, I would change to InstantiateAsync because the synchronous API is deprecated. Also you might try updating to the most recent version of the package. At the time of writing the most up to date version is 1.6.2

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