The number of sticky posts

Try going to a broad category like “latest posts”:

You’ll notice that 3-4 times the vertical screen height (depending on zoom and screen resolution) is filled with official sticky posts before you get to any of the actual user posts.

Is there any way we can reduce the number of stickies or hide them in categories?

Click on the red pin to unpin them and then refresh or revisit.

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Is there a way to unpin all?
This kinda punishes those who like to help others by looking at the latest posts, by having everyone go through all the pins and unpin them

At the moment no…. It’s something we have asked for

Because of the different structures between old and new sites and difference in how it works it’s a bit mad at the moment we are trying to find a solution to this

As an example here a pin has a set time for visibility in forums it didn’t so they all got reprinted when they shouldn’t have. We are trying be cull them as well


Can’t you make it so pins are only for the categories and not latest posts?
This is how it was on the forums and that worked great! (although old pins should be cleaned up sometimes haha)

Latest posts is a filtered list of the category posts that’s why it’s worse there.

Sorry, but if you do clear them in the last way post list you clear them everywhere……

That helps ….

I’m sorry

I’ve used this tip and switched from using /latest to /new (new topics) and /unseen (new topics and posts):

Both don’t include sticky topics at the top, they only show them inline when they get created or updated, which is a much better experience.

I have a workaround to clear sticky posts:

  1. Profile > Preferences > Navigation Menu > Link to the filtered list > Check
  2. Now you are redirecting to /new section of topics where you participated
  3. Open every post here, scroll to the bottom in every post such way to clear the “new” stack
  4. Now When you click the “Latest Topics” you will get Non-Opened New Posts without sticky hell until there is an update in posts where you participated