the object fall on floor with an angle

I need to throw an object(already done),the requirement is that if the object fall on floor with an angle greater than 45 degree, I need to destroy it.

If the object is a rigidbody, you can use OnCollisionEnter and check contacts[0]:

private var sin45 = Mathf.Sin(45 * Mathf.DegToRad); // get sine(45) value

function OnCollisionEnter(col: Collision){
  if (col.transform.tag == "Floor"){ // remember to tag the ground object as Floor
    if (col.contacts[0].normal.y > sin45){ // simple way to verify elevation angle
      // collision was at > 45 degrees

The code above calculates the elevation angle from the surface hit. If you want the elevation angle from the horizontal plane, calculate the trajectory direction in FixedUpdate, and use it in OnCollisionEnter:

private var direction: Vector3; // the current direction (reversed)
private var lastPos: Vector3 =;
private var sin45 = Mathf.Sin(45 * Mathf.DegToRad); // get sine(45) value

function FixedUpdate(){
  direction = (lastPos - rigidbody.position).normalized;
  lastPos = rigidbody.position; // update last position

function OnCollisionEnter(col: Collision){
  if (col.transform.tag == "Floor"){ // remember to tag the ground object as Floor!
    if (direction.y > sin45){ // simple way to verify elevation angle
      // collision was at > 45 degrees