The points where tow 2d tile-maps are connecting/colliding they Player can get stuck

I am using unity 2d tile-maps for a 2d platformer I have 2 separate tile-maps, both using composite colliders but at the points where they connecting/colliding they player can get stuck on a tiny invisible bump. Is there any way to merge these to colliders so they are one continues line?

Make sure both TilemapCollider2D use the same CompositeCollider2D if you’re doing this to remove ghost collision using its “outline” mode.

I am using Polygons instead of “outline” as there is screen tear other wise. Do you have a solution for either? Thank you for replying

If you’re using “Polygons” then why are you using the CompositeCollider2D? That won’t stop ghost collisions at all. The only thing that stops ghost collisions is outline mode i.e. producing edge-chains which is the same as the EdgeCollider2D.

How is “screen tear” related to physics? It’s nothing to do with rendering.

Screen tear happens when you’re not using vsync; nothing to do with any other ocnfiguration.

This is my first time messing around with tile-maps, I have never used it before so I am pretty new to it. But when I use polygone instead of outlines it just fixed the screen tearing that was happening. Do you know of any other ways to stop the screen taring without using Polygons?

No, that cannot be the case. You’re essentially saying that physics is controlling rendering which it doesn’t. It is absolutely nothing to do with rendering.

You’ve now moved on screen tearing which isn’t your original question but I already answered that above but you’ve yet to try/acknowledge you’ve tried it. Please try what I said above.

To be clear, I already told you what controls screen tearing above but again, you’ve not acknowledged it and have asked again. VSYNC.