@MartinTilo Would it be possible to enable more zooming into the profiler to see granular details? I appear to be at the maximum I can zoom, but its still hard to see node names at this level unless I click each one individually, but this is kind of a pain. This rings true for many other dots related job profiling too.
Alternatively maybe holding shift to automatically highlight the name of whats under the mouse would spare me needless clicks
Hi @thelebaron
Thank you for the feedback. At some point we limited the zoom level because you could zoom in so far, that you couldn’t zoom out again due to float impressions. We can very likely provide a deeper zoom level though, worst case scenario shifting the Zoomable area here from a base horizontal unit of seconds to ms. Could you please file a bug for this?
Regarding the tool tips: This view is a mix of IMGUI and native drawing code so more fluent tool tips are tricky to achieve. Basically in IMGUI the UI needs to do a full repaint to find tooltip texts under the cursor, so it waits until the cursor settled to avoid a high repaint overhead. UITK would allow for that by reporting all rects and their tooltips independently of repaints but require us to port the whole display over, including the native bits which are designed to speed rendering up, so we’d need to make sure this wouldn’t regress performance. We might do that eventually but that’s not something we’d consider as a bug but as a “feature” so it’d take a bit longer to get to. We have a general plan to improve tooltips and will look at it in relation to that work.
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