The requested operation caused a stack overflow

Hey, I’m writing a simple android game and I have this problem because I want to make that if one Toggle is selected, the other one turns off. I did it this way, as you can see below, but I get the error “The requested operation caused a stack overflow”. Each click on the Toggle causes the game to jam for 1 - 2 seconds, and after some 4 clicks, the game crashes. Please, because I don’t know how to solve it

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Menu : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject playObj;
    public GameObject optionsObj;
    public GameObject exitObj;
    public GameObject owneObj;

    public Slider volume;
    public Toggle roadLeft;
    public Toggle roadRight;

    public void PlayButton()

    public void OptionsButton()

    public void OwneButton()

    public void SumbitButton()

    public void ExitButton()

    public void InfoButton()

    void Start()
        volume.value = AudioListener.volume;
        volume.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { OnVolumeValueChange(); });

    public void OnVolumeValueChange()
        AudioListener.volume = volume.value;

    public void OnDirectionValueChangeLeft()
        roadLeft.isOn = false;
        roadLeft.isOn = true;

    public void OnDirectionValueChangeRight()
        roadRight.isOn = false;
        roadRight.isOn = true;

Stack overflow is, most often than not, an infinite loop exception.
My guess is that this code below is responsible:

public void OnDirectionValueChangeLeft ()
	roadLeft.isOn = false;// probably leads to OnDirectionValueChangeLeft being called again
	roadLeft.isOn = true;// probably leads to OnDirectionValueChangeLeft being called again
public void OnDirectionValueChangeRight ()
	roadRight.isOn = false;// probably leads to OnDirectionValueChangeRight being called again
	roadRight.isOn = true;// probably leads to OnDirectionValueChangeRight being called again

Because OnDirectionValueChangeLeft surely reads like something that is being called by this roadLeft Toggle. If so this will create a call in a loop, ad infinitum, causing cpu freeze and/or crash.

Ok I understand thank you for your answer