The requested URL was not found on this server. how do i get the url of my php.Register for my WWW.form?

my script is in working order (tried and tested in localhost) however

I just uploaded my register.php through FileZilla to my site. how do I get the exact URL for my register.php to call from a Unity www.form?
has anyone on hear actually done this on a site rather then just Lochalhosting?

The requested URL was not found on this server.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class LoginRegister : MonoBehaviour {

	public string UserLoginURL = "";
	public string UserRegiesterURL = "";
	public string Username = "";
	public string Pass = "";
	public string Email = "";

	//fetched from mysql
	public Text XPText;
	public Image XPbar;
	public Text GoldText;
	public Text LevelText;
	public Text UsernameText;
	public Text RankText;
	public Text Recorcess;

	//setactive when loggedin
	public GameObject Logedin;
	public GameObject Logedout;
	public GameObject AccountSucsess;

	//input by player
	public Text InputUsername;
	public Text InputPassword;
	public Text InputEmail;


	public void Loggin()
		Username = InputUsername.text;
		Pass = InputPassword.text;
		Debug.Log ("" + Username + Pass + Email); // make sure string is acualy their.
		StartCoroutine(LoginUser(Username, Pass));


	public void Register()
		Username = InputUsername.text;
		Pass = InputPassword.text;
		Email = InputEmail.text;
		StartCoroutine(RegisterUser(Username, Pass, Email));
		Debug.Log ("" + Username + Pass + Email); // make sure string is acualy their.



	IEnumerator LoginUser(string User, string Pass ) {
		WWW Login = new WWW (UserLoginURL + "Username" + User + "Pass" + Pass + "Email" + Email);
		yield return Login;
		if (Login.error == null) {
			// display resaults:		???
			string[] splits = Login.text.Split (new char[]{ '>' });
			UsernameText.text = splits [0];
			GoldText.text = splits [1];
			XPText.text = splits [2];
			LevelText.text = splits [3];
			Recorcess.text = splits [4];
			RankText.text = splits [5];
			Logedout.SetActive (false);
			Logedin.SetActive (true);
		} else {
			Debug.Log ("" + Login.text); // show me the echo


	IEnumerator RegisterUser(string User, string Pass, string Email ) {
		WWW Register = new WWW (UserLoginURL + "Username" + User + "Pass" + Pass + "Email" + Email);
		yield return Register;
		if (Register.error == null) {
			AccountSucsess.SetActive (true);
			Debug.Log ("account Created" + Register.text); // show me the echo

		} else {
			Debug.Log ("Error" + Register.text); // show me the echo


} // END OF FLASS 	//--------------------------------------------------------------------

Can you access the page in your webbrowser? If so, that is the URL you should use in your code.

It looks like you are passing UserLoginURL in your register function though. A typo maybe?