This blog post seems somewhat useless
Do you have plans at leas answer what direction you move VisualScripting now?
Something more than that “VS is cool and we do our best to make it to 2021”
What will be with bolt 2 features or when we can expect anything?
What good ideas of Bolt2 and community you decide to throw out and what to implement in your vision?
Actually what is your vision? You say you gather feedback from community but you never say what you do with this feedback just silence.
Everything we know for now is that you ignore Bolt2 features and go back to good old Bolt1.
May be now 4 months later you have more to say about your vision and what we can expect from Unity 2021 VS solution?
For me it is more interesting when you plan to bring Bolt2 like VS into Unity if ever?
You promise to answer our questions in this thread Visual scripting roadmap update - September 2020 but it is never happened. May it is time too?