The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class. This is not supported:

Can someone please explain why I am getting this error even though it is an override? Is this a bug in unity or am I doing something wrong?

The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class. This is not supported: Base(ShieldCustomInspector) <LastEditor>k__BackingField

Relevant Code:

[CustomEditor(typeof(Item),true)]//customizes the item class in the inspector
public class ItemCustomInspector : Editor
	public virtual string LastEditor { get; set; } = "item";
	public override void OnInspectorGUI()
		if(LastEditor == "item")
			//draw crap that I want to have at the very end of my inspector only once

[CustomEditor(typeof(HeldItem),true)]//customizes the item class in the inspector
public class HeldItemCustomInspector : ItemCustomInspector
	public override string LastEditor { get; set; } = "heldItem";
	public override void OnInspectorGUI()
		if (LastEditor == "heldItem")
		  //draw crap that I want to have at the very end of my inspector only once

[CustomEditor(typeof(Shield), true)]//customizes the item class in the inspector
public class ShieldCustomInspector : HeldItemCustomInspector
    public override string LastEditor { get; set; } = "shield";
	public override void OnInspectorGUI()
		if (LastEditor == "shield")
		  //draw crap that I want to have at the very end of my inspector only once

Inheritance is not the best pattern if what you want is polymorphism.

Removing the CustomEditorAttribute from the ItemCustomInspector would be the quickest fix but refactoring it to a better pattern would be the better one.

But to answer your question. No it doesn’t look like a bug it looks like a misuse of a reasonably sensible implementation.