The size of 2d sprite skeleton animation is too big

I use native 2d tools to create character animation in my game, every thing seems to be good except the size of animation. I found the size of a animation is around 300kB, someone even is 600kB.Unity doesn’t compress the animation or I just miss something?

can someone know this?

The file is just uncompressed text; you can open it in notepad or the like and take a look. Reducing the sample rate to the minimum you need seems to help, although then you have to move all your key frames to match. Not sure how any of this affects published projects?

thx for your reply!
Yes,you are right, the file is just uncompressed text, I just expect unity will do compress like 3d model animation.
We actually do some work to reduce size, like move unnessary key frame for some node, and reduce the sample rate to 20.
But I think all those methods not complete fix this problem. Stream and quantize the animation data seems a good way for 2d animation data compress.
for now, if we make a 2d game have 100 character and each have 13 animations, animation will cast at 100MB( not runtime memory, just Storage space) at least. This will be four-times size bigger than 2d engine like cocos-2d.