Because there’s only 1 person working on TMPro - and while he’s extremely productive, it’s a giant module that needs additional QA budget. It’s in a great state now, but originally (from my reports, alone):
TMPro prev8: Editor _CullMode/Material errs - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
TMPro Unicode: Can't copy FROM any texts - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
TMPro: Input runtime assignment rethrow errs with Unicode - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
In Prefab mode, TMPro UGUI's don't display vertical align diffs
TMP: Breaking Chinese Bugs for Traditional ZhuYin ("BoPoMoFo" - Taiwan Locale) - #29 by MrLucid72
TMPro: Caret randomly disappearing (always shows in editor; not game)
TMPro StackOverflow caused by TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI.GenerateTextMesh() - #49 by MrLucid72
Bug: <br> Tag and Overflow mode "Truncate" causes StackOverflow Exception
TMPro Bulk Edit of Vertical Align Inadvertently Impacts Horizontal Align
Bug: TMPro will not parse "\n" when string is changed via UI event
Again, Stephan has been on the ball with this and fixed a great deal of them, but just an example: A lot of this stuff shouldn’t need to even be reported (it’s so darn common - like out of the box basic Unicode IME issues). Stephan is busy fixing things (seemingly alone) - so who is busy trying to find common, breaking bugs? And why doesn’t he have help for what may be one of the most important features in Unity?
If Unity isn’t going to make games with their own engine, their QA team should at least be aggressively making mock game mechanics just to find common bugs in different situations. Eg, if you say you support Chinese/Unicode as an enterprise product, you better be sure there’s a dedicated QA team to aggressively test this stuff (Sorry, but Unity didn’t even test the basics that anyone could’ve caught). Respectfully, this isn’t an indie, low-budget engine: the QA budget/strategies shouldn’t reflect as if it was one. Even LTS experiences this!
QA budget needs to go like this+++++++; you can’t hold back on this. No one has yet to deny that there’s only 1 person making, testing, AND QA’ing TMPro, for example. That’s inexcusable considering how important this is. Remember UNET that had only 2 devs and 0 QA/support/doc writers? Remember how that turned out? Love you guys, but learn from your mistakes.