The type or namespace name could not be found, are you missing an assembly reference?...

Well, I got 3 separate scripts in C#, that need to stay each other to work correctly. These are for a functionally door system. I based my scripts on ThunderWire’s ones(His scripts are on JS). I re-write all 3 scripts from JS to C#(This is the first time that I do that), and it give me tons of errors.

I solved almost all, but there’s one more that I can’t solve, and if change something on that lines, all scripts just screw up…

This is the script(The main script, DoorController, there’s 2 more scripts, but this is the problem one)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class DoorControllerC : MonoBehaviour 

	public bool Pressed = false;
	public bool isOpen = false;

	public GUICrosshairC Reticle;
	public bool isLocked = false;
	public bool isJammed = false;
	public Animation DoorOpenAnimation;
	public Animation DoorCloseAnimation;

	public class DoorTextClass
		public Text DoorLockedText;
		public Text DoorJammedText;
	public DoorTexts DoorTextClase = new DoorTextClass();

    //Door Sounds
	public class DoorSoundsClass
		public bool PlayDoorSound;
		public AudioClip DoorOpenSound;
		public AudioClip DoorCloseSound;

		public bool LockedJammedSound;
		public AudioClip DoorLock;
		public AudioClip DoorJammed;
    public DoorSounds DoorSoundsClase = new DoorSoundsClass();

    //When the door is Open
	public void Open()
		Pressed = true;
		if(DoorSounds.LockedJammedSound == true)
				GetComponent.AudioSource(clip = DoorSounds.DoorLocked);
				GetComponent.AudioSource(clip = DoorSounds.DoorJammed);
		if(isOpen == false && isLocked == false && isJammed == false)
				GetComponent.AudioSource(clip = DoorSounds.DoorOpenSound);
			isOpen = true;

	public void Close()
		Pressed = true;
		if(DoorSounds.LockedJammedSound == true)
				GetComponent.AudioSource(clip = DoorSounds.DoorLocked);
				GetComponent.AudioSource(clip = DoorSounds.DoorJammed);
		if(isOpen == true && isLocked == false && isJammed == false)
				GetComponent.AudioSource(clip = DoorSounds.DoorCloseSound);
			isOpen = false;

	public void WaitPressed()
		if(Pressed == true)
			yield WaitForSeconds = 2;
			Pressed = false;

The problem is on the lines 39,12 and 26,9. It says ‘‘The type or namespace name ‘‘DoorTexts’’ could not be found, are you missing an assembly reference?..’’ and ‘‘The type or namespace name ‘‘DoorSounds’’ could not be found, are you missing an assembly reference?..’’

If I change something, then the console in-editor give me 47 errors.

Visual Studio editor doesn’t give me any error, just the unity console in-editor.

You don’t have a class named DoorTexts and you don’t have a class named DoorSounds. Let’s look at your code:

public class DoorTextClass
         public Text DoorLockedText;
         public Text DoorJammedText;
     public DoorTexts DoorTextClase = new DoorTextClass();

Specifically on that last last line, you’re trying to assign a new instance of the class DoorTextClass() to a variable whose type (i.e. class) is DoorTexts and whose name is DoorTextClase. A more correct and readable line would be:

public DoorTextClass doorText = new DoorTextClass();

This creates a new instance of the class DoorTextClass, and assigns it to a variable of type DoorTextClass whose name is doorText.

It’s also generally a good idea to put each of your classes in their own separate file.