The type or namespace name 'MonoBehaviourPunCallBacks' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I am following a tutorial on how to create a multiplayer game and I am having several errors and including this one:

error CS0246: The type or namespace
name ‘MonoBehaviourPunCallBacks’ could
not be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)

Anyone know what is what is happening

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Photon.Pun;

namespace PhotonTutorials.Menus

    public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviourPunCallBacks

        [SerializeField] private GameObject findOpponentPanel = null;
        [SerializeField] private GameObject  waitingStatusPanel = null;
        [SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI waitingStatusText = null;

        private bool isConnecting = false;

        private const string GameVersion = "0.1";
        private const int MaxPlayersPerRoom = 2;

        private void Awake() => PhotonNetwork.AutomaticallySyncScene = true;

        public void FindOpponent()
            isConnecting = true;


            waitingStatusText.text = "Searching..";

            if (PhotonNetwork.IsConnected)
                PhotonNetwork.GameVersion = GameVersion;

        public override void OnConnectedToMaster()
            Debug.Log("Connected To Master");
            if (isConnecting)

        public override void OnDisconnected(DisconnectCause cause) 

            Debug.Log($"Disconnected due to: {cause}");

        public override void OnJoinRandomFailed(short returnCode, string message) 
            Debug.Log("No clients are waiting for an opponent, creating a new room");

            PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom(null, new RoomOptions { MaxPlayers = MaxPlayersPerRoom });

        public override void OnJoinedRoom()
            Debug.Log("Client successfully joined a room");

            int playerCount = PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.PlayerCount;

            if (playerCount != MaxPlayersPerRoom) 
                waitingStatusText.text = "Waiting For Opponent";
                Debug.Log("Client is waiting for a opponent");
                waitingStatusText.text = "Opponent Found";
                Debug.Log("Mactcing is ready to begin");

        public override void OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player newPlayer) 
            if (PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.PlayerCount == MaxPlayersPerRoom)
                PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.IsOpen = false;

                waitingStatusText.text = "Opponent Found";
                Debug.Log("Match is ready to begin");


Please, help me guys

what or where is MonoBehaviourPunCallBacks? Unity only has MonoBehaviour … rename it to that or create that class/ add a using statement for that namespace.

Ahh its in photon. So have you loaded the assembly for photon (it looks like that is the correct one)? if so have you added the correct using statement?