The Unity 2020.2.4 - this version has a problem with lighting

the sharpness dropped: trying to adjust the lighting didn’t improve the situation

I noticed this too. I didn’t take any screen shots, but the scene seemed to have a blue tint to everything. Even in a completely new scene.
I rolled back to 2020.2.3 and hoping it is fixed in 2020.2.5.
I’m planning on updating my project to URP, and expect the issue may not be present under that.

Recommended Release: Unity 2019.4.20f1 :eyes:
I like Release witn LEGO Microgame inside! :stuck_out_tongue: I hoping LEGO Microgame have been added in 2020.2.5 :rage:

Release Unity 2019.4.2 have the same lighting problem as in Release 2020.2.4!!! :hushed:
Use 2019.4.19 only :(:rage::sweat_smile: please add LEGO Microgame in Unity 2021.1.0b6 :frowning:

Yes, the scene always has a blue light. And the directional light is too bright.

Is Fog possibly on in Environment lighting?

I tried everything I knew and nothing worked :frowning:
I use Unity 2020.2.3f1 only + LEGO Microgame :sweat_smile:

Just to clarify, I wasn’t running the LEGO demo. I have the issue in my own project. It appears that the issue is still present in 2020.2.5

2020.2.3 (Expected)



Looks like my issue may have been related to a big fix in 2020.2.4
I had to clear the skybox from the Lighting > Environment settings.

I rolled back from 2020.2.3 to 2019.4.19 and my terrain have been deleted :hushed:

I saw this and thought I was going nuts, but the prefabs issue made me revert back to 2020.2.3

So are we saying this new lighting is the way it always supposed to be and we need to adjust our lights going forward?

or is this likely to be changed again?

I like 2020.2.3 :roll_eyes:
2020.2.4 and 2020.2.5 are bad Unity versions :rage:

The lighting must be constant at any Unity versions! :rage:

yeah i’m staying at 2020.2.3 until its acknowledged and fixed.

do we know what the official score is with this? i see unity 2020.3 LTS is out now, are we still blue?

i just took the plunge, did a backup and went to 2020.3.0 LTS and i don’t see the blueness problem this time. but i went from 2020.2.3 to 2020.3.0.