Hi everyone. After released our first game “The last roman village”, now we are in developing process of our second game called “The war we lost”. It is a open world zombie survival game in isometric 3d.
Here is the intro:
Really nice teasser. As a player of the well known in the unity community “7 days to die” game. I could say i will love to play this eigther it focus on story, crafting or sandbox, even multiplayer (not so fan of multiplayer in general). I voted for crafting becouse i can clearly see the storytelling intentions there so i hope that part will be there anyway. What i really loved in years and years of playing horror games back even to the first RE of psx. And that is something i think it become lost in the years. Is the sens of atmosphere if we can call it that way. That feel of lost world, unsafety, unknown, even mistery. At the end i think, the true zombie survival experience i still need, is one that dont focus all the atention on zombies and or crafting or sandbox.
Im still missing that feel of the mistery in “whats beyond zombies”, what comes then, ¿maybe the reconstruction of humanity? ¿Or it is the discovery of that ancestral feeling of surviving end of times scenario? You know, 70k years ago humanity faced extintion with a huge volcanic eruption, cientific says that probably only 1k of human specimens survived the event, just imagine that. All the superstitions about gods punishers, misticism, sacrifice rituals, chamanism, etc. I think all of that came to us in those ends of the world scenarios our specie got through the ages. The biblical universal flood, the Toba volcano eruption 70k years ago, the last glacial period, strange and dificult times our species survived.
So when i think of a zombie apocalypse, i feel it like a kind of transformation like those i mention. How knows its fantasy so the limit is the imagination, but, i imagine that an event that tremendous for our specie should transform us if we survive in a way we can only imagine now. Maybe a new religion, maybe new understanding of the environment and the world. Maybe new forms or creatures that come around as a result of the zombies, ¿maybe even zombies evolving? I think thats the reason why a subculture was created around zombies, it made us think on the posibilitys, make our imagination proyect to an unknown world somehow someday we may face again.
Thank you for taking the time to post this. We are really thankful. the game is in early stage that is why we would like to hear from the community. Your ideas are great. We will try to include interesting feeling in the game( definitely not just zombies), with more realistic survival feeling. For example if you drive a car and you will be able to hit 3 zombies and the car will brake( not 100 :)) And definitely we will try to achieve deeper feel in the game.