There are a lot of crashes on ios because of UnityFramework when using unity 2019.3 or later

Hello everyone,

My game has just been published on Apple Store for iOS, I noticed a lot of crashes of UnityFramework when using Unity 2019.4 or later, I guess Unity 2019.3 is the same, but when I use Unity 2019.2, the crash drops quite a lot, almost very little.

Unity 2019.3 or later is really good, but there are a lot of crashes that account for more than 11% of the game, making me forced to use the old version 2019.2.

Please fix it sooner because the new version is really cool. I’m sorry I don’t trust it anymore.

Below is the photo information, if you need more information about crashes please contact me.

Image1: crashes when using Unity 2019.4

Image2: other crashes when using Unity 2019.4

Image3: details of the most serious crash with 385 events

Image4: details of a second serious crash with 182 events

Image5: details of a third serious crash with 15 events

Image6: a little crashes when using Unity 2019.2

For more quality Images, see this link.
I hope this error will be fixed soon and I can use the new version with confidence.
Thank you very much!

Hi, I got the same error as you, and must also return Unity 2019.2.21f