There is a white bar on EditorWindow, I want to delete It

When I Update Unity version 2023,the white bar appear on my EditorWindow.
If I want to delete it ,what can I do? Thank you.

This is the classic window title bar. You will find this on many apps, particularly those with a long history. Here’s Notepad++ for example:

There’s no easy, general way to remove that when an app has a title bar. But there are ways to hide the title bar of an app through other tools. Use at your own risk.

There is also an asset that let’s you enter fullscreen mode in the Unity editor.

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It’s kind of a feature now. Some like it, most folks don’t.

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They are getting there:

Although this feature is not implemented yet, thank you for your guidance

My editor is entirely dark on Linux…

Windows Feature* then. In any case are changes with how windows are handled in 2023+ I believe.

The latest 2023 lts is also entirely dark on my Linux. Windows thing most probably. What about Mac?

It is the Windows window-theme handling stuff. It requires custom code to not have ugly headers on Win10+ for sure.