There is no Network Grab Interactable component in Multiplayer template

I’m using Unity’s multiplayer template.

In the reference for the multiplayer template, as shown in this link(VR Multiplayer Template Quick Start Guide | VR Multiplayer | 2.0.4), there’s a Network Grab Interactable component under the Networked Interactables section. However, when I opened the multiplayer template, I couldn’t find this component.

Is there a replacement component for this?

I have noticed the same, but wondering if this is redudant, since you have the transform synced and the XR interactable already there? Is it even on the ‘launcher’ object in the sample scene?
I just checked, take a look at the Launcher Networked Interactable, and it looks like they have removed redudant scripts - i.e. replaced both the ‘network rigidbody’ and ‘network grab interactable’ with the ‘Network Physics Interactable’ script - looks like it combines the two.