"There is not enough space to download and install the selected items" BUG

I’ve been using Unity Hub for a while now, and I enjoy how Unity is trying to make things simpler for the community. That simplicity ended when Unity Hub started refusing to download new versions of Unity, telling me, “There is not enough space to download and install the selected items,” when I had 265 GB free on the hard drive I was downloading Unity on. I’ve resorted to downloading each individual version off of the archive and importing it into Unity Hub, but there are so many updates being pumped out that it’s starting to get annoying every time I go back to the Unity website to download them.

Are there any solutions to this problem? I have yet to find one that works so far.


Hi AlpakaDude,

Sorry for the inconvenience. I am wondering if the 265 GB free is in your main drive/disk or in a secondary drive.
Currently, there is a limitation in the hub where we use the OS temp drive to download unity and then we install it where the user asked (from preferences).
That said, if in your primary disk/partition you don’t have enough space for the editor zip files, you may get that error.
We are working on this limitation to let the user choose the download location as well.

If the limitation that I explained is your case, the workarounds are (1) change the temp folder of your OS to your secondary drive, (2) open up some space in your primary drive.

I understand none of these workarounds are convenient, and we are trying to address the issue as soon as we can.

If this is not your case, I suggest reporting a bug using the hub bug reporter, and we can take a closer look into your logs and understand the issue.



I think that may be the case. The 265 GB would be open on my 1 TB HDD (D:), and I’m using a 64 GB SSD (C:) for my OS drive. Currently, I have Unity set to download new versions onto my D:\ drive. My SSD has around 200 MB free in it, which I think may be the problem. Thanks for the insight, and I hope you guys fix it soon. Good luck!

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Can someone explain how to do either of those workarounds? Complete computer noob here, and I can’t download the newest update of Unity

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Windows 10:

  • Open “view advanced system settings” by hitting the windows key and searching for it.
  • Hit “Environment variables”
  • Change the value of “Temp” to where you want temporary files to be downloaded to.

Alternatively, download Rapid Environment Editor, it’s free, and a more comfortable way to edit environment variables.


yeah, that doesn’t work. i may be the first to comment but for every comment there are 100 more people out there who can’t do it.
this is a problem involving unity connecting with windows to install files crucial for using unity.
Please can you tell me if theres any other way to install unity when your OS drive is full?

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right, have the same problem. why not create a temp folder in the unity folder? even the seperate downloaded installer unpacs to the c drive like wtf dont you know that many ppl have small c drives since ssd got introduced? Like the other peson said not a good start .

to baste: under win 8 there is no temp variable under advanced options? how to set it to d: ? btw if i run cleanup windows report there are over 5gb of files in cleanup to be removed but if you run the disk cleanup these files just remain. ???

You must change the TEMP and/or TMP system variable like Baste said. But you must close “Unity Hub” and kill every proces left. If Unity Hub does not start after that. The folder in TEMP and/or TMP does not exist → create it first. Repeat the close part → Everything works.

I have temp on 4G RamDisk.
It’s a bit shame that they rely on such variables. Even MICROSOFT can install things with such small temp (they create a folder on a disk with enough space free)


Is there some way to override download location on Linux?

For others confused by /tmp size limit, despite using a a single partition as mount point for /

One partition may have multiple file system with size limits (use df -h | grep tmp command to check is it happening on your system).

In my case /tmp has size limit of 2GB

I found out that I can change size limit using

sudo mount -o remount,size=10G /tmp

command. This allowed installation to proceed.


Thanks so much this worked for me :slight_smile:

Hey, I had the same exact problem, where it said I needed more space even though I had enough space, and it even showed how I had over 570 gigs, but i found a solution.
I originally downloaded Unity when I had tons of space on my C drive, and eventually that got filled and ran out of space, which is why it was telling me that error. I was trying to download the updates to the D drive, but Unity itself was in my filled C drive.
So all I did was uninstalled Unity and downloaded it to my D drive, and if you get the same problem, your computer might have downloaded it back to your C drive with the now available space from where unity used to be. So to fix this, go into chrome settings, scroll down to advanced settings, find where it says where things get downloaded to and changed that to your D drive, or wherever you want things to be downloaded to.
I really hope this helps, or works for you, and yes, I know this seems like a stupid idea because all of your projects are saved to the Unity in your C drive, I don’t have a workaround for that. I’m new to Unity and im not very good at it, but I still just wanna help. Plz dont hate on me, lemme know if this works, and solves your problem.

Maybe my solution will be helpful for community:
My wife started learn Unity and fased the same issue.
Her laptop has one SSD 128Gb and enough space for instal however installation was not possible.
Going to clean up the disk, we found two 70MB UnityHub files in the download folder. We removed both and the issue was closed.
No matter how many free space on disk…
If you have this file in selected folder already…

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problem fixed here :

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Still not working in 2021… I changed the environment variable, I changed the unity editors path, still nothing works… I got a tb of space should be fine.



Running as admin solved it for me

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Didn’t work for me. I have over 1TB free on an external hard drive and for some reason the only version that it allows me to download is 2018. Only problem? For some reason every time I write a C# script in the 2018 version it automatically sets it as a ‘Miscellaneous file’. It’s because I have Virtual Desktop 2019 and It won’t even let me download Unity 2019.

You, sir, helped me A LOT. Thank you very much!!!


:):):sunglasses::sunglasses:[quote=“matkoniecz, post:9, topic: 744793, username:matkoniecz”]
Is there some way to override download location on Linux?

For others confused by /tmp size limit, despite using a a single partition as mount point for /

One partition may have multiple file system with size limits (use df -h | grep tmp command to check is it happening on your system).

In my case /tmp has size limit of 2GB

I found out that I can change size limit using

sudo mount -o remount,size=10G /tmp

command. This allowed installation to proceed.
Thank Man ,
problem Soled ,
i just copy paste command line to Terminal(sudo mount -o remount,size=10G /tmp)
Should be Proud Yourself


Hey folks!
Thank you so much for sharing your solutions in this thread.
I’ll raise this issue with the Hub team and check if there are any updates regarding it.

In the meantime, If you’re still having issues after trying what was advised in this thread, please make a new thread saying what you’ve done so far (you can link this thread as a reference) and add any information about it that might help us.
You can also log it as a bug using the Bug Reporter within the Hub.
To do it, click on your account settings, go to Troubleshooting and Report a bug.

I’ll lock this thread for now.

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Hi Afshin,

I was wondering if this matter resolved? I have the same issue with downloading in my primary location and sadly I dont see any setting to relocate that.
