I’m an old man so I’m sorry if I’m not using the up to date lingo, but did you ever play freeze frame Kung fu?
It’s a game where you and another player do a king fu fight (in real life).
BUT the catch is that each player takes turns doing a move and the other player has to counter that move.
One player might start with a punch and the defending player will deflect the punch and ready with a counter punch. And back and forth until someone beats the other.
it’s hard to put into words, but the idea is that you do single motion attacks and the other player has to counter them and ready for their own attack.
It ends up a lot like Twister but you set up the poses.
Anyway, in light of games like Super Hot this seems like a no brainer.
Yes I think OP think also about toribash.
I have just to play it a bit in the past.
It is surprisingly fun and an interesting concept.
Fun with a friend however, more than online with random stranger. Since onliners tends to nock you out almost imedatelly, if you don’t have much experience
Yeah, I’ve seen somebody do this exact same idea in a game jam one time. It’s like you described, but I think that the moves available were on randomly-dealt cards, so you only had three or four choices available at any given time. After your opponents move, the game would show your character in an anime-style reaction shot with action lines in the background so then you’d only have three or four seconds to pick a card from your hand.