This is a problem I’ve had for years in Unity, I cannot use thin lines on a scaled canvas. It really limits what I can achieve visually, since I cannot use 1px wide lines.
I have to use lines with a width of 2px, but even then they sometimes appear different width in game view like so:
That is already done. It just means that it will always scale to the closest integer pixel. So if you make a line 1px and scale it, you’ll end up with a 0px line. The result in screenshot above is with pixel perfect canvas:
You have Scale With Screen Size on though, not Constant Pixel Size.
That can lead to lines being scaled independently of one another so will change from 0-xxx in size as the screen size changes.
sorry! I read it too fast, I keep doing that.
But the answer is probably no without studying the UI code to add something. UGUI has these frustrations. TMP text also snaps differently to the rest of the UI…
It seems like a failure in the pixel perfect system right?