Important … the incredible solution proposed by Kromenak below is perfectly correct.
The final, total solution to this huge problem, is that your ground must be “thick”.
Looking at say a football field, I simply set the box collider that makes the ground, to be 100 meters “thick” (i.e. “into the ground” if you will). This absolutely and totally solves the problem. A truly brilliant solution from Kromenak. Thank you Kromenak!
Hello experienced developers …
I’ve noticed THIN (ie, flattish) objects – imagine say a “plank” – can fall through the ground.
It makes no difference if the ground is a mesh collider or just a big flat collider.
Make a ground surface say about an acre big. Make some “planks” that are typical plank size … 2 meters long, 0.5 meters wide, and a few inches thick. Obviously add a rigidboy, box collider, realistic weight, physicmaterial, etc etc.
Let them drop down at different angles from a meter or two.
If they are too thin – they very often MAKE THEIIR WAY THROUGH the floor and fall away to hell.
Typically, if you make them THICKER – more than, say, oh, 10 cm or so – it tends to stop the problem.
This is all quite problematic if you have flat, or thin, things you want to knock about.
What’s going on here? Do any experts, drunk or sober, know what this is all about? Is it something every experienced developer knows, and you just have to live with it??
If you have actually lived with this specific problem, please write back ! Cheers and thanks…