Things from FBX Model isnt there

im a completely beginner in Unity and Blender.
When i export my House out of Blender, only in Unity is the roof not there, in other 3d Programs its there, but not in unity.
Why is that?

Check that the geometry for the roof has a material for every submesh. If any of that doesn’t make sense, start with the Unity3D docs on how Meshes are displayed by a MeshRenderer using Materials.

Also, check you have your normals facing correctly.

Most Shaders / Materials in Unity only render one side of each triangle.

This means you must make sure which way the triangle faces are pointing while you are modeling the object.

Here’s how to see which way your triangles are facing in Blender so you can flip them around.

You can flip the triangles each by hand or perhaps use Normals - Recalculate-Outwards function in Blender.