Thinking of starting a artwork tutorial for handpainted games

Hey all!

this is for 2d platformer textures, not 3d texturing, those are well covered already, this is not!

EDIT: ok seems to be some interest in making handpainted textures for 2d platfomers and not use tilesets, so here’s a list of what i’ll be going through:

Silhouettes: this is pretty much what u first do before u render anything. a black shadowy figure of a tree can get u along way before any values is applied to it. The main reason why games like Limbo works.

Basic Valuebuilding: On his matter i will be explaining the importance of using the right colors for things like shadows and light, and how not so shoot urself in the foot spending hours using the wrong colors for somthing simple as a log.

Details: Once the basic shape and values are applied, its time to apply details. this means cracks and fissures for rocks to make them look old and belivable, and the imperfections in logs and trees, aswell as the randomness grass will give u.

Color adjustment: Once everything is done using ur palette, adjustments will probably need to be made. this is basicly to make things fit togheter and look like they are in the same enviroment.

Adding atmosphere: this is the trickiest aspect of making these,atleast for me. Making things look as if they are far away. camera can do this sure, but in many cases it isnt enough. this is where the factors of atmosphere comes in. What is it? well, in a handpainted game, its fog. subtle fog. U will not belive how natural alittle fog texture OR Unity’s ingame fog works for these things. also lightrays, these will bring ur scene to life, and i will show u how.

when i first started wanting to make games, my immediate focus was learning how to make artwork for games. I went to youtube and ehm…well wtf me, theres nothing there. I cannot find anything thats tailored specifically towards painting ingame assets that works with other ingame assets. I was looking up how to paint rocks, trees, flowers, the typical stuff u would see in Rayman Origins, Aquaria, Spelunky, Capsized, Fly’N and so on. all beautiful games, but how is it done?

I had to learn this the hard way then. I found the guy who made the graphics for Braid, he has a nice blog about how textures ingame can blend with other textures and not be tilesets wich i absolutely hate working with. Games like rayman origins are assembled simply by using textures on diffrent layers to create depths, but they also blend togheter using blurred edges and other techniques.

Ive been painting ingame textures now for a while, and ive seena few games around that could use a little push in the right direction.

So! I was wondering how big the interest is? I would certainly follow someone who was teaching me to create ingame 2d platfomer graphics, but i havent found any, so i had to learn it.

there are several factos that has to match. Lighting, bounced light, scaled, color palettes, u name it. U cant just paint a tree, save it, then paint a rock, save it and find later the two lookos like they are not in the same area at all since they have diffrent lights and diffrent palettes and values in general.

I would be commenting the videos myself, explaining why i do what i do. Im not a pro by any means, but some of u might have seen my threads and the artwork i have made in the past for Little Titan and now currently Flourish.

The videos i’d probably make anyway, but im asking if i should keep em “unity based” since unity has such a nice community and alot of assets in the store that allows these games to be made. We dont have Ubisofts framework to create Rayman Origins, but we have 2Dtoolkit, Uni2D and so on, and they work.


Thank for ur time!

Oh man how I would love you forever! Please do.

Can you make it software agnostic? I mean if you use Photoshop to work with, someone using gimp can use it as well.

yeah the software wouldnt matter since most of them supports doing this in one way or the other. for starters i’d show u guys how to paint small assets like plants, rocks, maybe belnding grasstiles if u wanna try some platformer grounds. later on if the interest is large enough i’ll start painting larger rock segments that u can use to parallax and build levels with.

Just vote guys so it helps me decide. Im working on a game right now that uses these things, so i’d liek to show those while im doing them.

please do it! i would love to watch!

Votes are not relevant here, sharing knowledge is always welcomed and the people who will appreciate it most might not be on this forum. Also you are the first beneficiary from the process of explaining your technique/work/code/whatever. It helps clarify and solidify things you are doing without much thinking.

yes that is true,the series will go up anyway, but im actually quite ready to start:) yeah the idea is to be paitning “live” and not add the commentary ontop, vidoes that does this looses focus ive noticed. I was watching some guy doing tutorials on concept art and he did a voice over…and everyting he did i was wondering why, he was talking about the indistry, and not what he was doing in his artwork. I wanna change this, people want to know HOW and WHY, not how hard the market is.

the votes serve as motivation for me, knowing people will watch these. I’ll post them here on youtube and hopefully it works flawlessly, these forums seems to have soem major linking and image displaying issues atm.

You might want to try written than video+voice because you are not a native english speaker. You can hand over the text to someone to correct it, while a voice over is there to stay and unfortunately in some cases ruins the viewer experience.

oh my english is fine, i dont like tutorials that uses text, thats is very distracting since u need to take ur eyes off whats going on all the time. there are several artists that are not native english native speakers and theyre kicking ass, something as small as that “issue” shouldnt stop a good artist from explaing what he does. I watch on youtube and his english is worse than mine, but i love it, keep em coming, i’ll listen to bad english all day long if it means i get to see how stuff that interests me is done.

ANYWAY, im gonna do a few and see how it goes.

actually, i’d like people to post what they want to see be created. a Smooth Moves ready character? enviroment textures suited for a specific theme? im noting down everything, really wanna see the 2d games flourish(hahaha) more,nothing agianst 3d games but im oldschool, SNES is my precious.

Would love to see you do this!!!

Your game “Little Titan” is the exact style I would love to learn. The game looks fantastic!

thanks Livvy!:slight_smile: Yeah im currently “preparing” how im gonna go through everything to make it easy to follow. Hopefully even programmers with less to no artskills can create something for their prototypes quickly, would be cool to see.

Yes i know some programmers even do awesome artwork and ehm…im envious:P

Please do this. I think this is a great topic to cover and I’d love to see your approach.

I’m keen!
Although I HATE silhouette indie games. It’s basically: Hey I’m too cheap and lazy to do some actual textures, so here’s a game in black and white… blegh! Doesn’t help that it’s been done to death…

+1 vote here

I agree, im not a huge fan of them. Limbo is awesome tho, not gonna bang my danish neighbours since they were one of the first and that game is a gem. Games after that uses silhouettes are a dime a dozen now, some of them are great, but as an artists i cant help to go “really…not even one color on there…really THAT hard to do?”

No, this would be in the style that Rayman Origins, Spelunky, Aquaria, Fly’N ans some other great ones i probably forgot to mention, and i love those 2d games, proves that u cna make a platformer look incredibly beauriful.

Oh and Sams Chronicles in the WIP section, go take a look, lovely game someone is making on this forum.

Im gonna start this week, just need to find the right software, having trouble finding a decent screencapture, anyone know one?

Yes please! Listening to an artist explain why he’s doing what he’s doing will be awesome! With your permission I’d like to have your channel listed as a featured channel and I’d really like to have a link to your work, and YouTube channel, on my website once you get started.

Art is something that programmer types like myself have trouble visualizing, especially how to produce it, because there doesn’t seem to be a defined pathway to follow. Your willingness to share this knowledge is a big thing and I’d suggest taking your time to formulate the content of your videos (your syllabus) so that you’ll be able to teach more effectively.

I might be able to offer a little bit of advice:

  • The first is that for video tutorials avoid my mistake of making 2 hour long content packed tutorials, because it is too heavy for all but the most dedicated students (though it could be argued that weeds out all but the best). I think 40 minute tutorials are about the limit.
  • Once you’ve completed your first series you will be able to package it up with additional content and offer it for sale (the YouTube videos remain free of course). You won’t make much from it, but it still helps in recouping some of the expenditure on the hardware (proper sound card and good mic) and software (Camtasia Studio 8 is alright) that you may need to purchase for achieving reasonably good video and sound recording, and lots of other little costs along the way e.g. website costs.
  • You might also find that your free time is going to start disappearing, though making tutorials can be a bit addicting and in my case I’ve found that my understanding of coding has been getting deeper.

Good luck :smile:

Haha my freetime is already gone because these tutorials would be added ontop of my artwork made for my own games, but thats cool. I just remember how frustrating it was for me to search for these things, and there still sint many around. I see alot of speedpaint and timelapses and for the ultimate newbie, these dont help abit. Infact they tend to do the opposite, discourage u easily becasue 1; they look like the artist is superfast and errorfree and 2; u dont know how much planning the picture took beforehand, the sketches its made up of.

I would probably stick with youtube for starters, i need to prepare liek u say and plan these out so even programmers with less to no artskills can do simple stuff. And no, wont be making 2 hour long sessions, they would be 30 minutes max depending on what im painting.

Personally im not easily satisfied with my won work, but i think most artists are like this, and the feedbakc im getting is good so i cant be doing everything wrong.

Beeing featured would be sweet man, highly appreciated:)

I’ll let u know when i start uploading, hopefully not too long.

Signed up purely to say, this would be amazing :smile:. You’re already the first thing that came up on google! So yeah… There’s going to be heaps of people who will find your work really helpful, but will never sign up.

YES! I like to do art outside of computers but cant get the hang of computer art, really looking forward to this! I took a look at your art by elde blog and have to say you are amazing! :slight_smile:
Good Luck! :smile: