how to use php to create gui and control unity games from gui
you want to control unity client from website UI in realtime,
or use the web interface to set some data/values in database, that client will fetch at start of the game,
or something else (needs bit more into) ?
you could use websockets to send those messages into unity client,
or have some server backend, client connects to server with tcp and listen for messages from the UI
(javascript > server > unity client)
Many thanks mgear. Actually i want to control animation of unity from php gui. For example,
if i have form elements like separate buttons for jump,walk,run in php web page. this button should interact with unity game FSM. if i press walk , it should play walk animation in unity. if i press jump, it should play jump animation in unity.
Please help me and guide me in detail. I am very new to this unity. please guide me. right now i have designed animated cube in unity. when i start the game in unity, the animation is working well. but what i want is if i press start button in php or third party gui script, it should start the game in unity.
This is my first task in my company. please help me to start.
is the unity game running in webgl, or desktop or mobile?
search for unity websockets, thats probably the easiest way to get started,
maybe things like Unity-Netcode.IO - Secure UDP Communication in WebGL
or look for unity node server examples, something like GitHub - odiukov/Unity-NodeJS-Game: Simple Unity(client) + node.js(server) game
then send message to node.js from web ui, and node.js sends to connected clients.
Rightnow i tried in my desktop.