In my game, when a third person controller walks into a box collider - I want to destroy that controller and instantiate a new one.
This is the script I wrote to destroy the first controller:
var thirdPerson : GameObject;
function OnTriggerEnter(other: Collider){
if (other.tag == "Player")
And this is the script to instantiate the new one:
var prefab : Transform;
private var hasPlayed = false;
function OnTriggerEnter () {
var pos : Vector3;
if (!hasPlayed){
Instantiate (prefab);
hasPlayed = true;
I tested the scripts on two character controllers that I downloaded from the asset store already animated, and they both worked.
However - I’ve just learnt to animate characters myself (I’m very new to unity) and want to use these instead - but although the new controller is intantiated, the first one isn’t destroyed.
I’ve been through everything I can think of - but I just can’t work out why the characters I’ve animated myself aren’t destroyed when the script itself works.
If anyone has any idea why - please help!
Thanks, Laurien