Third Person Controller Question

Hello. I want to make a script for the third person controller. I want it to work like this. I basicly want it so when you move the mouse around it will rotate around the player.


I can’t see any youtube links at the moment, but since you say you want to rotate the camera around the player character, I think you want something like this:

vector3 CharacterPosition;
void Update () 

 transform.RotateAround(CharacterPosition, Vector3.up, 20 * Time.deltaTime);

This example code will look at a position, and rotate around it.
So what you need to do, is to create a script on your camera, and when you move your mouse (depending on how you want to achieve that), then you do something like the code above.

So basically:

When mouse move → RotateAround player position, and, LookAt player position.

LookAt documentation.

RotateAround documentation.

Good luck!