Third person cover controller

Third person cover system now in the asset store

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If you guys plan to develop a cover system for your game this asset will save you lots of time and money. We developing this asset that you can mix and match features you want easily so you don’t need to spend hours extracting features you need.


Walk, run, sneak
You will find all animations for walking running sneaking with or without gun
in total 150 animations

Sprint, jump :zap:NEW
Sprint disables gun but increases jump strength

Dive to cover :zap:NEW
Dive to or out of cover to escape gunfire or grenades

Jump over, climb
Jump over covers or climb on them

Fluent covers
Combine different types of covers
connect them with different angles

360 cover fighting
Can shoot 360 degrees in cover without
leaving cover

Create different pistols with different ammo sizes speed damage and effects

Create different rifles with different recoil, ammo sizes. speed, damage and effects

Grenade :zap:NEW
Modify grenades throw power, bounciness, impact zone, damage, and effects. Visualize how grenade will fly to a destination.

Advanced camera :zap:NEW
Camera adapts to cover situation and detects objects that block your view and avoid them

Detect walls :zap:NEW
Character defects not cover walls automatically and lowers weapons to avoid arms going in to wal

Body parts damage :zap:NEW
You can set up every body part damage multiplyers

AI patroling :zap:NEW
You can create AI patrol routes. set delay at every point.

Smart AI
An AI can use covers, can be made aggressive or passive fighter, can change states deoending damage received

AI investigates :zap:NEW
AI investigates threats and tries to find who caused them

Easy modifications
All properties contain tooltips that can be seen by moving the mouse over labels. Some properties are accessed by rolling down sections inside the Inspector


We want to hear your ideas, what features would be useful to you. Write it here or send us to
Check it out at unity asset store Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making



How to setup

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Girl no included in the pack :frowning:

Sorry neoshaman, girl is from another project. maybe in future I will share her with a world

Coming soon patch 1.1

BIG AI update

AI can use covers. The ability can be configured or turned off completely. Features include moving from cover to cover and taking a peek to fire at an enemy.

AI knows how to avoid recoil, fires in bursts.

AI uses pathfinding to move around a map and avoid obstacles.

AI are aware of each other and avoid standing close together.

AI dynamically evaluates the situation and takes decisions based on the changes.

AI knows when to reload before taking a peek to avoid running out of bullets mid-fire.

AI can retreat when dealt enough damage. Retreat can be configured to use covers.

Basic UI
Damage trigger
Bug fixes



I have book marked this as I have some projects being developed and currently use RFPSP as my controller framework and have been looking for something better and which will allow a one man indie developer to progress games with efficiency. i.e. something which does not need years of programming alone to complete a full game with as I have more than enough to do all round with all the other things one need do to make a complete game :slight_smile:

Not yet found anything with a feature set which is complete enough to provide what I need. I have some advanced levels created so need a system which matches with that in level of quality and professionalism.

This looks good so far and has some interesting AI and other features but like most is under developed for what I need.

Needless to say I have bought some other controllers and many other assets but currently have to stick with RFPSP as its still the best and most complete option for me and can develop forwards with it.

I may switch to something better if I can find it and may end up trying all other alternatives eventually.

Currently I would like to see a video or documentation showing how easy/difficult it is to change the example default AI enemies in this asset to our own custom AI enemy character models? What models are supported and so on?Many controller assets don’t show or explain but promote themselves with placeholder models only as does this asset and swapping them out can be difficult or full of potential problems :slight_smile:

The same applies for adding new weapons and so on.

Anyway just saying hello and will keep watching progress of this asset which looks good and very professionally done to date.




new update looks awesome, any chance of adding mobile controls…?


Hello @petercoleman ,
It is just a beginning. Our goal is to make a complete package like one level of professional AAA game. Then Its up to you to scale it, and for us to provide features you guys want.

Hi, @Mayureshete we got so many requests for mobile controls that we thought it was a mistake to release it without mobile controls it looks like Unity devs work mainly mobile.
I know only one game where shooter with cover has good controls for mobile its Space Marshals. (If you know other game where controls are done right, please let me know). And we made very similar controls in our game. We will add those controls to third person cover shooter but we will also upload a separate package “mobile top down cover shooter”. I hope I will push those packages to asset store this Friday.


Jimmy Vegas did a review of our asset!


Here are mobile controls we promised. also many improvements to a character and Ai to make it work nicely. Coming soon to asset store once unity approves it.

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Really nice asset !!
When do you plan to add multiplayer (Unet /Photoncloud)?

I think an end of October is realistic.

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First, great asset you’ve created there.

Unfortunately I’m pretty far advanced in my game to use your template ( other than that I would ) but I’m really interested to buy it to integrate your AI to my project.

Is the AI logic well separated from the rest of the engine ? I guess AI is going after the Player tag ?

  • How is the apply damage to AI and to Player works ?
  • can you have predefined cover points ?

thx in advance

AI finds targets by looking for objects with character components. It does not use tags. There is also a team system in place where Team components specify a side for the AI to take. Without it attacks any character that doesn’t have an AI controller.

Weapons deal damage by sending an OnHit message to the target object. The AI component will be alert once it receives it. Damage itself is managed by a separate small health component that reads those messages and reduces its health value. It is assumed that users of the template will want their own health system implementations.

Covers are defined by marker objects. The AI searches for those and uses the best fit for its situation.

The AI relies on the CharacterMotor component that is in the template. It uses it to know if the enemy is in cover or not, moving, etc.

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Hype for multiplayer, can’t wait!
I’ll buy this without a doubt ones it is integrated!

Try ufps mobile, or have a look at Coalition - Multiplayer FPS on google play store… they are however FPS controls but sure they can also be used for TPS… these are just ideas,

thanks for this clear resume on how it works. I’ll give it a try for sure, should be easy to integrate.

Are you planning to add pickups ( weapon, health packs, ammunitions etc…) and a kind of inventory system ? doesn’t need to be as complex as Inventory Pro though. If not , may be considering a bridge to that asset ?