Third Person Templates by Invector

There’s an aiming mechanism included but nothing else relating shooting, right ?

We are working on a Shooter Framework that we will release as Add-on in the future. :slight_smile:

Is there a way to make the character walk backwards rather than turning around?

Ok. Any ETA on that one ?

I guess we’ll have to chip in another $60 or so !?

Cannot wait to try this!
Have had very little luck using other packages.
Also, in re to animations… Have you seen perception neuron?
Please let me know the day this comes out!

Nope, it will be way less then 60 bucks so don’t worry, and we want to take our time to develop the best asset we can do, so let’s see how it goes with the Locomotion pack first.

@jcarrick Thanks for your support man!
We have been looking for some motion capture system, but it’s really expensive right now

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I bought a “perception neuron” motion capture suit about 2 months ago, my order is back ordered due to a problem with a shortage of the 3rd party censors they use. Would love to use it myself lol but I’m looking at a November ship date.


If you guys like making of, here it is how we created the V-bot :slight_smile:


This Perception Neuron looks really cool =o
let us know if is worth +$1000 when you get it :slight_smile:

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You’re in Pending review since August 23rd? I don’t know how long it takes for Unity to approve it. Maybe it’s just normal delay.

Yeah, when we submit our other package MasterCube, took more than 1 month to approve :eyes:

Oh wow !! They’re worst than Apple. My apps never took so long with Apple. But I’ve heard updates are lot faster.

Good luck to have it approved soon :slight_smile:

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Working on some issues of compatibility of Unity 5.2!
I removed the Demo links because the Ragdoll are not working correctly, it will be online again very soon

Webplayer and .exe Demo back online!

I am really looking forward to this controller - I hope that they approve it soon.

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Hi Invector,
Any additional info’s regarding “Shooter Framework” add-on

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Yeah, it’s taking more time then we expected, I send a email today.

We have a pretty good prototype right now, with a IK system, to position and rotate the hands and elbows for each weapon in real time, so you don’t have to make new aiming animations for each character.

But we want to know how it’s going to be with the Locomotion Template, user’s feedback and see if need’s to make any updates… if everything runs smoothly we will work hard on make the Shooter Framework the best it can be :slight_smile:

This Controller looks pretty good.
What about using characters which already have animations? Like the “Necromancer” character from Many Worlds in the asset store.
I suppose your script will then overwrite the animations and use your animations for all characters?

When will be this first release (date) ?
So excited about this. totally worth it !

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We are using Humanoid characters, so you can easily replace to your animations with no problem

The package is ready, but the Asset Store is taking a long time to approve…
I don’t have much to do, except wait =/