Third Person Templates by Invector

This looks really cool! Will you ever have any support for a lock-on targeting, like Zelda: Ocarina of Time? Where the character circles the enemy that is locked on? Along with a reticle system? Thanks!

Thx Invector for the response.
Really looking forward to see this Asset in the Store.
A fast combat System as an update would be great since you already worked on moving animation crouching etc.
And what about jumping? Right now I see that the char does not jump. Will there be a outcommented line or a way to add jump?

I was just experimenting this lock-on system, still need some tweeks but itā€™s almost working, maybe iā€™ll put on the next update :slight_smile:

I did a video tutorial showing the process to add new animations, it is on the first post and I add the jump feature, but we will add this and more actions in the package with time



The Asset Store just approved the package guys, v1.0 itā€™s Published :smile:


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any chance to get shooting and a pick up system :frowning:

Hey @blackbird I remember you man haha
You was one of the first users that comment on my prototype, and even send me animations for test (many thanks btw lol)

Yes dude, it will have a Shooter addon in the future, but first we need to see how the basics stuff is working for people.
We could release that first Shooter project months ago, but we decide to do the basics first and make sure that it is working nicely, and then implement other features. I think itā€™s the best thing to do, instead of promising a high number of features and rush the development, then publish something that ā€˜kind of workā€™ and disappoint people.

Donā€™t worry, the day is coming :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hello Invector !

Iā€™d really enjoy if you implement hand-to-hand addon (like your Shooter framework).

Even for you, I recommend you to think about it : there are a lot of framework offering Shooter, but no one use hand-to-hand properly (too Shooter orientated), and there is a big needing on this in the Asset Store.
By a framework, I mean, addon including things like attacking with 1H, 2H, blocking, a charge, combosā€¦ Things like that. I know itā€™s animation-turned, but it would be worth the money I think so. :slight_smile:



Hope You Are Not Another Stiffix Clone LOL . Hello @blackbird

Hope You Dont let us down cause i wanna buy it but i will have to save for it You know cause i wasted my money on stiffixs Crap

BTW I like That iDea BigAppear It well be better wit multiplayer Cover . AI . Health ā€¦ More Parkour

If You Need Animations Contact Mee At Skype : DproBoy
Or Pm
Good luck with sales and Project

Thank you BigAppear, we already test a simple combo system and we have some ideias for a more complex combo system that you can change to sword, punchs, basically any hand weapon. But like i said, one step at the time hehe

Hey @tmmandk I intend to keep my updates and give people one feature at a time
Letā€™s talk on Skype, I have been looking for a Animation guy and maybe we can work something out :slight_smile:

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HOLY POTATO we are on the Home page as Featured Asset @ @
1 day launched /o/

Thanks AssetStore guys, this is Awesome!

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BTW Add Me On Skype : DProBoy

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i want to help i made some parkour animation i can share with you guys even some military move stuff


Went to look for a 3rd person controller template and what do you know! First page I find what Iā€™m looking for on the asset store. Congrats!

One quick question before I purchase: Iā€™m making a somewhat top-down/isometric view game and I would like the character to face the mouse, but move in the direction of WASD. The cameraā€™s view will stay in the same orientation (facing due north, think something like Donā€™t Starve). So for example if the player is pressing ā€˜Wā€™ and moving up the screen, but the mouse cursor is below the character, the characterā€™s animation would be walking backwards (facing the cursor, but walking backwards away from the cursor). Is this possible out-of-the-box?

Iā€™m thinking the ā€œAim Modeā€ you have in your video on the asset store may get me pretty close to what I want, but without having the asset I figured Iā€™d ask first.

Thanks! And cool asset by the way, Iā€™m sure it will do well!

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Hahah, It was ultra awesome to see our Template on the home page at day 1!!

About your topdown game, We are working on a Camera Update right now with features for TopDown and Isometric games, itā€™s looking really nice! I will post a update here in a couple a weeks, stay tuned :smile:

You can wait for the post, I probably will upload a Topdown Demo and you can see (and play) if it is what you want before making a purchase :wink:


Hi and thanks for your quick Email reply.
So, TPSF will be an addon to this TPCT? How much will it be then?

  1. What can you boast as being better than motion controller?
  2. How about Playmaker support later on?
  3. Can we Beta the TPSF when we buy this version?


Awesome! I can definitely wait a couple weeks, the game is only just finishing its second month of development. Excited to see the update, Iā€™ll stay tuned.

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Oh, one more thing
donā€™t forget ledge shimmy! / sliding

Hey Chris, soā€¦ We are still planning on how to distribute the Shooter feature, but the price will be very fair and affordable, just like it is on this locomotion template.

About your questions, itā€™s really about what you want and what package suits your needs
1- both have webplayers and a list of features, you can compare both and see for yourself what package suits you better :slight_smile:
2- I donā€™t have Playmaker and never used, but who knows the future hehe
3- Well, I will think about it but itā€™s a good ideia :stuck_out_tongue: