Thanks, this fixed the issue. The problem was that I didn’t change the Architecture to Universal, so i got the error even after change the scripting backend to IL2CPP.
I’ve had scripting backend set to IL2CPP and architecture set to Universal since the beginning yet since I’ve set the minimum iOS version to 11.0 (in Player Settings), I suddenly can’t archive and upload the Unity app in XCode. The error message says “Invalid iOS deployment version ‘-miphoneos-version-min=11.0’, iOS 10 is the maximum deployment target for 32-bit targets”
I don’t claim to fully understand all this, but I just solved the same error message by switching Architectures to 'Standard Architectures" in Xcode build settings, in addition to setting the scripting backend in Unity to IL2CPP.
I’ve been just going with the ARM64 setting in Unity and so far none of our the test players complained. But I imagine that perhaps having ARM64 instead of Universal may be bad if you want your app to be compatible with 32-bit iOS versions