This binary has been tested and qualified on iOS 4

Anyone tried to submit an app lately? Just came across this little gem of a validation checkbox during the submitting of an update to our game.

This binary has been tested and qualified on iOS 4.

Since we have not tested on iOS4 I didn’t check the box. Strangely enough it let the submit finish without verifying i had checked the box. Our build is compiled for OS 2.2.1 so we were expecting the Usual ‘tested on OS 3’ validation prompt.

Has anyone seen this before? Would an app just work on iOS4 or do we HAVE to do something special to comply with multi-tasking?

you might have a dependence that might not make it work. Some selectors etc have changed for example, especially on the push notification end.

its the same checkbox for os4 as you before had for os3. Its just another “verification” for the user that it works for sure on os4

Ahh cool. So basically if its just a stock standard unity game with nothing more than the odd PlayerPrefs write and WWW url hit, it should be compatible?

I thought the OS3 compatible checkbox was compulsory (aka you couldn’t submit the app without checking that box).

So by not checking the compatibilty box, will OS4 users not be able to download the app at all?

they will be able to download it too. There is just no guarantee for them that it works or makes use of new features.

your game in the end has to pass the test on os4 anyway cause the review process is always done against the most current one.