I have a scene, which I last moditifed 2 month ago.
This scene includes, among other things, a big prefab called SC_Crashed, which I have not been modifying since 10 Months (both according to windows explorer).
Today I opened the scene and got the error
Prefab instance problem: SC_Crashed (Missing Prefab with guid: f9515aae897255244a74be4412156c70)
I got missing prefab problems before and was able to fix it with the guidance of this article: Solving the Missing Prefab issue in Unity3d | by Ágoston Romhányi | CodeX | Medium
However, this time the guids in the scene and the SC_Crashed.meta are the same. Both are: f9515aae897255244a74be4412156c70.
When I look at the prefab in inspector it looks like this:
Turns out google can’t find any hit on that error message.
When I look at the SC_Crashed.prefab file, it looks pretty normal to me. So the data still seems to be there but unity can’t process this.
How can I fix this?
Thanks a lot.