this engine blows

seriously cant even drop a character without falling through the fucking map, no wonder why all these games suck major dick these days…

Funny :slight_smile:

I suspect your stupidity may be the culprit here.

Edit: @OP: Well, only equal offense meant, but it sounds like you just suck at comprehension.

stupidity= learning something and not understanding or forgetting.

I was never taught unity or any programming for that matter, and you have over a 1000 posts on here. So you tell me how to fix it?

breath - relax - think

What are you trying to achieve when writing something like this? Rather than worry about the state of Gaming and your failure to use this engine properly … You should try resolve your serious attitude problems … learn to love and respect

^inhale my dick

That sort of behavior is not acceptable. I’m closing this before it deteriorates even more…if you have a question, post it in a non-confrontational way and watch your language.
