It has been 6 months without any word from the FPS Sample team, and I have been working in the 2019 editor… waiting on support for current packages and the 2019 editor from the FPS Sample team. I know a FPS Sample works on 2019, since it was shown off in March 2019 by Unity at the Physics GDC2019 talk.
Can you please let me know if this team still exists at Unity, and if this project has actual hours associated to it each week?
I do not mind the project being/been killed (that is a lie, I am sad), but I would like to know where it stands so I can adjust accordingly. I understand nothing is owed to this community, but This Forum is supposed to be support for this project. We have received ZERO support in the last six months, no posts. Besides requests being closed, asking for updates.
I have seen that update, and it points that an updated FPS sample should be here for us. Welcome Q4 2019
The lack of any actual updates from the FPS team is what I am asking about. The team mentioned that tutorials were coming out, and the tutorials released by unity on youtube are not in the fps sample… Also they seem to point with the videos to using the asset store. Like they over-reached and have asset store people upset with the FPS Sample…
Most of the people tagged by the OP are still active on these forums, so if they’re not responding here I’d guess they’re no longer assigned to this project, making it typical Unity abandonware
It is advertised as a " living project, which Unity will continue to maintain and further develop by adding more features with upcoming Unity versions in 2019 " ( src ), though… They’re just a small team. Maybe they can’t quite cope up with all the changes that the Unity Editor has gone through during the past few months?
They told us it was going to be a “Virtical Slice” utilizing full Unity Tech. It meant to be a complete game, as good as a commercial game. Slice my virtical a**! Can’t trush anything anymore as they speak from their a**.
I am guessing they will release something at unity conf this week. "Get moving: An overview of Physics in DOTS. We’re working on two new physics solutions for DOTS-based projects: Unity Physics and Havok Physics. This talk will give you an overview of both Unity and Havok physics systems, content authoring workflows for Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) physics, as well as the basics of the DOTS physics architecture and game code layer."
The FPS Sample and team is still alive The team is converting the sample to DOTS. You can see it on the CBH Unite keynote. They said it can be available in about a month… T
This is different project all together.
It aims to show DOTS in practical use.
Plus new features, like real time networked update/editing.
Which is still cool. And I think is much better, as an example sample project.
I looked at the source code for this at the FPS Sample stand at Unite and it’s the FPS Sample code, without the graphics so that it is a much smaller project.
I didn’t watch the keynote, I didn’t (Still don’t) want to hear about or see things never being release. AKA the fps sample version from march that didnt get released.
Hi there, fellow devs. I talked to the team members who made both FPS Sample and the new FPS Sample (DOTS) at Unite Copenhagen 2019, I asked two questions: 1 - Is the new FPS Sample a derivative work from the old FPS Sample (is it an old FPS Sample converted to DOTS)? The answer is no, it is a new project built from scratch, the only thing taken from the old Sample is some models. 2 - Will there be any further developments with the old FPS Sample? The answer is no, most likely not.
So there’s that, I don’t know what to think of that since @anorak3 says they’ve seen the code and it’s the same project.
They said they created a new project and moved code over from the FPS Sample + doing all the dots improvements/upgrades. All I can say is that the minute I browsed through the source code and folders - it looked very familiar… (like fpssample)
They also talked about a new animation systems and that the netcode is now in a package (com.unity.netcode). And that maybe merging the two samples into a more complete game sometime in the future is an idea…
Who would write 50.000 lines of FPS code and throw it away when building a FPS the next year…
[quote=“anorak3, post:18, topic: 756639”]
Who would write 50.000 lines of FPS code and throw it away when building a FPS the next year…
[/quote] In my opinion, anyone who is paid for that. I was told that it was a showcase projects or something like that. I specifically asked whether they made it from scratch or converted it to DOTS (considering the talks on MonoBehaviour to DOTS conversion). And something tells me it was easier to do it from scratch. Anyways, the DOTS FPS Sample is soon to be available, then we’ll see what’s up that…